For Who

For practitioners working with people harmed by violence, abuse or oppression.


09:30 AM

Prior Knowledge



6.5 hours

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand and delineate between the different types of stress in undertaking complex trauma support
  • Identify physiological, psychological, relational and spiritual signs, symptoms and changes that can occur when experiencing work related stress and trauma
  • Identify personal and collective risk and protective factors in work related stress and trauma
  • Identify personal and collective strategies that may be protective against work related stress and trauma

This workshop provides a unique opportunity for practitioners to explore and reflect on how this work can offer both welcome and unwelcome changes within ourselves, how our responses are shaped by social, cultural and political landscapes, and the importance of individually and collectively finding ways to connect with values, meaning, safety, and care.

In this workshop, you will have space to reflect on actions you and your team/organisation can take, which may be protective in the face of work-related stress and vicarious trauma.

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 000

Women’s Safety Services are not able to attend to emergency situations. 

In case of emergency call 000
24h Domestic Violence Crisis Line 1800 800 098
24h 1800RESPECT 1800 737 732