We welcome your feedback, whether compliment, complaint, or suggestion. Feedback of all kinds helps us provide better service to you and to others.
How can I provide feedback?
Feedback may be provided via email to, or by completing the form below.
What happens to my compliments?
We love to hear about your positive experiences with our staff and programs! Your compliment will be passed on to the appropriate individual or program lead, to share with the relevant team.
What happens to my suggestions?
Your suggestion will be passed on to the appropriate program lead. If you provide your contact details, we can let you know the outcome if desired.
What happens to my Complaints?
We aim to…
- Acknowledge your complaint within 3 days
- Resolve your complaint within 30 days
- Find a mutually agreeable solution wherever possible
If you are not satisfied with the process and outcome you can contact:
- The Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner (HCSCC) by telephoning (08) 8226 8666 or Country SA toll free 1800 232 007.
- SA Civil and Administrative Tribunal (for issues relating to tenancies) 1800 723 767
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can access any of the numbers above by calling the National Relay Service (NRS) and asking them to call the number you are after. For TTY calls: 133 677. For Speak and Listen calls: 1300 555 727.
* WSSSA collects, manages, uses, and discloses personal information in accordance with The Privacy Act 1988.