Develop an understanding of coercive control within the context of intimate partner violence so you can better support the peoples you work with, and help to shape a safer community for all.

As a primary responder to domestic and family violence, or someone who otherwise works directly with families, you will almost certainly encounter situations where a person is subjecting their partner or former partner to coercive control. Coercive control might be more difficult to recognise than physical violence, but it can be just as dangerous for those subjected to it.

This course will develop your understanding of what coercive control is, what behaviours it can involve, why it is so harmful to victims, and what the key elements in providing a helpful response to people subjected to coercive control.

For primary responders and services working with families, learn how to recognise and identify coercive control.
Wednesday 30th October 2024, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Prior Knowledge:
6.5 hours