Build your foundational knowledge of domestic and family violence in an Australian context.

If you are a frontline worker in health, community, education or other professional who works with families, the ability to recognise domestic and family violence and know how to help is important. Our foundational course will help you to understand:

•    What is domestic and family violence
•    Common patterns and behaviours of someone perpetrating domestic and family violence
•    The link between gender inequality and domestic and family violence
•    Why domestic and family violence is a safety issue
•    How to support victim-survivors choices and safety
•    Where to refer victim-survivors to for specialist support

We aim for you to complete this course feeling empowered to respond confidently and know how to promote the safety of the person you are supporting.

For any practitioner who wants to build a solid foundational knowledge of domestic and family violence, including how to recognise, respond and refer.
Wednesday March 13, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Prior Knowledge:
none required.
4 hours